We invite you to prayerfully consider how you might be able to financially support these efforts.
Donating is quick, easy, safe and is tax-deductible. Use any of the “donate buttons” on our pages to provide an online donation or you may send a check to Recycled Lives PO Box 408, Cambridge, MN 55008
Our Programs to support families

Monthly Food Distribution
We provide 225 Guatemalan families with a monthly food package.
$200 sponsor’s a family for one year $16.67 helps a family for 1 month.
Other Support
Recycled Lives provides occasional financial assistance for individuals facing a crisis or are in need of support to keep their children in school or a family member working.
Our Missionaries perform social visits to assess the need requests & provide follow up visits, as appropriate.

- Payment of a light or water bill
- Payment for testing and/or treatment of a medical condition
- Purchase of clothing, shoes, or supplies that are required for school or work attendance
- Connecting individuals with specialty care that may be required; Surgeons, malnutrition programs, wheelchair fabrication/fitting, other local programs
Missionary Support
We believe in being good stewards with the gifts which God blesses our ministry and community with. Designated funds ALWAYS go exactly where they are requested to go.
General fund and non-designated gifts help to cover unsponsored ministry projects as well as the ministry operational costs which include: basic living expenses for our missionaries.
Your gifts help our missionaries to be the hands and feet on the ground serving in San Gabriel, Guatemala.
Deuteronomy 15:11 New Life Version (NLV) 11 The poor will always be in the land. So I tell you to be free in giving to your brother, to those in need, and to the poor in your land.
Recycled Lives is a tax exempt 501c3 non-profit Christian organization dedicated to bettering the lives of people living in poverty through facilitating access to resources that are physical, spiritual and/or financial in nature. We are advocates for ceasing poverty for all of God’s people throughout the world.
Matthew 25:40 “… Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me.”
For more information, please email us at info@RecycledLives.org.