Must See Videos

Below you will find a variety of videos to show you the difference that is made with your gift of prayers & financial support. If you feel led to help support what we are doing, please click the donate button to give a one time or recurring gift.

10 Years of Ministry – Looking back on how God has empowered us to serve as His hands and feet on the ground in Guatemala

2023 GuatsUpdate! – End of Year message from Missionary Shawn Johnson

Welcome to San Gabriel, learn how your gifts are making a difference for families living on little

Learn about how your gift toward food impacts lives

How sponsoring a home or leading a fundraiser to build a home makes an eternal impact:

The powerful impact of Stoves & Lamina

Building Relationships & serving God together

The beginning of Recycled Lives in San Gabriel

Please watch this video. This is the very first video that Brad created after a life-changing trip to San Gabriel, Guatemala in 2013.

A home for Roxana- Sept 2023

A Home for Flor- Casa de las Hermanas June 2023

A home for Yanira & Estuardo- The Gideon Home May 2023

A home for Jennifer & Victor- December 2022- ReMax Team Lundeen home #6

Joe’s House- a home in honor of Joe Showalter, for the family of Elida- March 2022

A home for Oscar & Maria- ReMax Team Lundeen house #6 January 2022

A home for Miriam- November 2021

A Home for Darwin September 2021

A home for familia Meda-Sanchez- ReMax Team Lundeen Team home #5

A home for Yesenia-ReMax Team Lundeen home #4 2019

video is in process

A home for Sara- ReMax Team Lundeen home #3 Feb 2018

A Beautiful Reunion- click here to watch the video

Years ago Kelly and Dave Wichman constructed a home for little Jose in Guatemala. Jose has been asking each month, when his family receives a visit & food package, when will Dave ever be able to come visit him again, he is sad & misses him. If you recall their story, God gave Dave & Jose a very special bond because of similar losses (suicide of loved ones). Just the other day Jose told his mother he had a dream that “Grandpa Dave” came to him and hugged him and told him he loved him. Dave has been dreaming of when his next visit to Guatemala should be. This was the day of dreams coming true for both of them. Please watch this video- there is not a dry eye in the house. Jose was told Shawn was waiting in the house. Because of his excitement he missed seeing Dave right away. But oh boy when Jose saw Dave…..

December Mission Team Video- Click here

A big thanks to Team Josh & Sophia and Team Melody & RaeLynn that gave of their hearts, time and resources to work alongside Recycled Lives in ministering in Guatemala over the Christmas season! Thanks to each person that supported these teams and their work through financial and prayer support as well!

A home for the Patzan family- December 2017, ReMax Team Lundeen Home Build #2

A huge thank you to each person that contributed to help make the Patzan home become a Christmas dream come true! A special thank you Michelle Lundeen and ReMax Team Lundeen for coordinating their 2nd home fundraiser and raising the funds needed in less than 10 days! We finished this new house design in record time and in record temps! God provides where He guides! Humbled, blessed & filled with joy!

Contreras Home Build- November 2017

Thank you Clyde & Deb Bloyer for organizing the fundraiser to sponsor the construction of the Contreras Family Home! A huge thanks to each person that gave to make this possible. The family will forever be changed for the better.

A home for Juan & Elda- Friendship Guatemala- Tower Mission Team November 2016

Thank You Friendship Guatemala team from Tower, MN for the love you shared with the San Gabriel, Guatemala Community! Thanking God the support of your friends, families and community for making such a powerful impact for so many lives through their prayer, financial and material support of your team. Click here to see the video story of the October-November 2016 Mission team from Tower MN

A home for Marvin & Angelina- ReMax Team Lundeen Christmas Home #1 December 2016

We are so excited to share with you the video that was just completed for the ReMax Team Lundeen Cambridge office house build! The family was so grateful and worked so very hard alongside of us as well as before and after we were there all day! They send their deepest thanks to everyone that supported the fundraiser that Michelle organized in order that a family living in poverty in Guatemala may receive a house for Christmas! It was truly an amazing blessing to be a part of!


2015 Mission Team Video

2014 Ministries Wrap up Video!




A home for Mirna & Recycled Lives July 2013 Mission team video

A home for Raquel & May 2013 Mission Team video

Recycled Lives is a tax exempt 501c3 non-profit Christian organization dedicated to bettering the lives of people living in poverty through facilitating access to resources that are physical, spiritual and/or financial in nature. We are advocates for ceasing poverty for all of God’s people throughout the world.

For more information, please email us at

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