July 2014 Guatemala Mission Team

Two years ago while in my 6th year of serving in Guatemala I witnessed something that still haunts me just as much today as the first day I saw it. Women, some with their infants strapped to their back, and their young, barefoot children are digging through trash at a garbage dump. They are searching for their next meal in the very trash they sift through for plastic to recycle. I see many living under trash-constructed shacks on top of the garbage dump they call work and home. The words “I need to do something” keep repeating in my head and heart as I stand sobbing and feeling helpless over what I am witnessing. These conditions do not make sense in a world that has plenty.

Recycled Lives was formed because we recognize there is a desperate and urgent need for us to do something to stop the suffering for those trapped in impoverished conditions. We know that there are people like you that want to do something about it as well. With a little help from a lot of people we can change the lives and conditions for impoverished people all over the world. We are asking you to consider with us the situations of the children and families that are living in these unimaginable conditions and do something to help us help them.

For the past two years we have been doing something about this heart-wrenching problem. By sending volunteers, providing supplies, constructing homes & cooking stoves, installing water lines, serving hot meals, providing educational support and monthly supplemental food distributions to this community, we are making a permanent change. All of this is being done through just a few faithful donors & volunteers! With each donation, large or small, we can make a powerful change to the ugly face of poverty. Would you be willing make a contribution toward our work and encourage others to do so as well?

We have a team of 8 traveling in July to work directly with the men, women and children living and working at this garbage dump in Guatemala. We are raising funds to support daily biblical teachings, hot meals, monthly food packages, medical aid, shelter improvements and homes!
This community is learning they are loved from afar through the monthly support through our food distribution as well as through semi-yearly mission teams. We ask that you consider helping our organization and July Mission team to give them something that can only be received through a team’s work…smiles, hugs, tears and the light and love of Christ in person. Together we can enrich the lives of families living in unimaginable conditions at this garbage dump in Guatemala. We would be honored to have you come alongside of us to help!


Shawn Johnson, Recycled Lives Executive Director & Mission Team Coordinator

waterline Digging for a waterline

stove A completed stove

fooddist Food Distribution

Contributions can be received online or by check to the address below. If you would like to view videos showing the work we do and the conditions in Guatemala you can do so by searching YouTube or Vimeo for “Recycled Lives Escuintla Project”. We are a non-profit organization that has applied for 501c(3) tax exempt status. Until that determination is made by the IRS, your donation will not be tax exempt at this time. If tax exempt status is granted this year, a year-end statement will be sent to you by January 31, 2015.