It is with great excitement and loud thankful praises to God that Recycled Lives can announce we have received our 501c3 tax exempt designation! All donations made throughout this past year and into the future will now be tax exempt. We thank you for your support in the work that God has called His body of followers together to do in order to make a difference for His beloveds living in impoverished conditions. The heart of Recycled Lives beats to make God smile through caring for those that are suffering and trapped in impoverished conditions. We are blessed to know that there are people like you that want to make God smile too! With a little help from a lot of people we can change the lives and conditions for impoverished people all over the world while bringing glory and praise to God.

We believe in an approach that does not just simply provide material resources to ease the effects of poverty but to evaluate and treat the root cause of poverty. The cause is not always simply due to lack of material resources but due to a broken relationship with God. This broken relationship often times renders a person to feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. We work to address this spiritual poverty by sharing the gospel and sharing the hope readily available through a reconciled relationship with God while also addressing the real needs of limited material resources. With the donations we receive we are able to perform this work God has called us to through equipping individual volunteers, local volunteers in the community being served and through mission team projects to provide spiritual and material assistance. We provide tools and supplies necessary to construct homes & stoves, install water lines, serve hot meals and perform a monthly supplemental food distribution to a community in Guatemala living at a garbage dump. Most importantly we are leaving an imprint on each person’s heart through prayer, biblical lessons and materials that are provided to community leaders for a weekly children’s bible school as well as ongoing men’s and women’s bible studies and prayer groups… these are the things that are making a permanent change!

All of this help is being given through just a few faithful donors such as you! We ask boldly in the name of Christ that you continue to support our organization’s work through making a commitment to include Recycled Lives and the people being ministered to in your regular prayers. We also ask that you would prayerfully consider making a monthly commitment to giving financially to Recycled Lives’ work. With each donation we can make a powerful change to the ugly face of poverty.

Praying for God’s greatest blessings upon you and yours,

Shawn Johnson, Recycled Lives Executive Director & Mission Team Coordinator

Recycled Lives is a non-profit Christian organization dedicated to bettering the lives of people living in poverty through facilitating access to resources that are physical, spiritual and/or financial in nature. We are advocates for ceasing poverty for all of God’s people throughout the world. Recycled Lives is focused on sharing the gospel through serving as the hands and feet of Christ in our communities and throughout the world. We will go forth into the world to bring positive change to lives through demonstrating the love of Christ so that we may bring praise and glory to God. We are a 501c3 Christian non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible and can be received online by clicking donate on our webpages or by check to “Recycled Lives” PO Box 408, Cambridge, MN 55008